Today begins our CLUE CODE CHALLENGE game and we will start it with our birthday edition. With a very special political character. We invite you to follow us, have fun, learn with our game and remember to collect the illustrations. Cheer up and follow us in the great adventure of the great awakening. Share your answers in the comments. /// Hoy comienza nuestro juego CLUE CODE CHALLENGE y lo iniciaremos con nuestra edición de cumpleaños. Con un personaje político muy especial. Te invitamos a que nos sigas, te diviertas, aprendas con nuestro juego y recuerdes coleccionar las ilustraciones. Anímate y síguenos en la gran aventura del gran despertar. Comparte tus respuestas en los comentarios. #BirthdayEditionClueCodeChallenge #ClueCodeChallengePR #Ch4m3l30nC0d3Challenge
Especially for those who consider and say: "They are not all bad". They are unaware of the truth around them, as they only know the exoteric meaning around them. Luciferians control the world and use the rest of humanity as cattle. And these distracted with Bread and Circuses to keep them asleep for the final sacrifice. Hidden in plain sight... New World Order