Happy 4th of July 2022, our Independence Day! Here is the Clue Code of the week, Crack the code and collect it!!!! Pending every week, Guess and post it in the comments. /// Feliz 4 de Julio, Día de Nuestra Independencia! Aquí está el "Clue Code" de la semana, ¡¡¡Descifra el código y colecciona!!! Pendiente cada semana, Adivina y publícalo en los comentarios. #ClueCodeChallengePR #Ch4m3l30nC0d3Challenge
Especially for those who consider and say: "They are not all bad". They are unaware of the truth around them, as they only know the exoteric meaning around them. Luciferians control the world and use the rest of humanity as cattle. And these distracted with Bread and Circuses to keep them asleep for the final sacrifice. Hidden in plain sight... New World Order